The Moloyan Law team has special expertise in helping institutions of all types become accredited or reaccredited. Accreditation is a quality assurance process, whereby a United States Department of Education-recognized third-party (accrediting commission) certifies that your school meets or exceeds specific standards. In addition to enhancing an institution’s academic prestige, accreditation is a prerequisite for government student loan program eligibility, permission to issue SEVIS Form I-20 (in the case of IEPs), and granting recognized certificates and degrees. Further, accreditation increases the likelihood that an institution’s credits will be transferable to other accredited institutions.
With each passing year the accreditation process becomes more serious, sophisticated, and comprehensive. Schools must meet a set of standards that covers management and finance, curriculum development and faculty preparedness, student achievement and satisfaction, an active and professional Advisory Board (Committee), and a host of student services: a full-time library, career services, and an alumni organization, to name a few. Further, schools must also have a relevant mission, with all departments and course offerings of the school working to achieve that mission. Finally, schools must demonstrate that faculty and staff have the experience, education, and on-going training necessary to carry out their job duties.
We can help you choose the accreditation agency that is just right for your school. In addition to the step-by-step process whereby we guide you through initial accreditation and applications, we can also trouble-shoot problems you may have with specific compliance issues.
Moloyan Law handles a variety of corporate matters for Education Institutions, including the drafting and revision of corporate bylaws; assisting in training and nomination of boards of trustees; advising business strategy and governance; and consulting on all contractual matters. We have also advised institutions on large volume asset transfers, intellectual property licensing, among other needs.
SEVP is improving its enforcement techniques, and schools that are out-of-compliance are being visited, audited, and shut down by ICE and the Department of Homeland Security. If your school is authorized under Federal Law to enroll non-immigrant alien students, you must be in compliance and be ready to apply for recertification and SEVIS II. Also, if you have never submitted an I-17 application for SEVIS approval, or if you have a change of location or ownership, we can assist you with these applications.
Whether you are filing your initial I-17, preparing for SEVIS II and recertification, or undergoing a SEVIS audit, we are ready to provide expert assistance.
Moloyan Law advises institutions on employment policies in order to reduce the risk of litigation. We draft and review employment documents such as applications, manuals, staff charters, handbooks, policies, evaluations, descriptions and contracts. Similarly, we provide assistance in the hiring, discipline, and ADA accommodations for employees.
We are experienced at designing and conducting a wide range of staff training programs. We can assist your staff with the development of new policies and the revision of current school policies, while showing them how to implement best practices at your institution. Additionally, we can assist in establishing or updating your school’s file management system and related processes. This may also include revising existing forms and creating new forms, to facilitate administrative flow between departments and ensure regulatory compliance. Finally, we can prepare your staff to deal successfully with state authorization and accreditation agency site visits.